While the world has begun to focus on the importance of reducing its carbon footprint, the oil and gas industry has been continually working to move forward with innovative solutions that focus on carbon management and how industry practices can be adapted to lead the way in efforts to reduce carbon emissions, eventually reaching carbon neutral status.
One of the most significant factors pointing to the oil and gas industry leading the charge in this effort is a shared commitment of industry heavy hitters and smaller players alike to reduce their own carbon footprints over the next few years and decades. The oil and gas industry is committed to being a solid advocate and innovative leader in carbon management and implementation of technology and industry practices that will help decrease the global carbon footprint.
Members of the Resolute Engineering team have long been part of this concerted effort, working with clients on implementing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) projects. CCS projects focus on the permanent capturing and storing of CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere. CCUS projects utilize or reuse the carbon after it is captured, for example in enhanced oil recovery, and even manufacturing of fuels, chemicals and other materials.
Resolute Engineering continues to diligently follow the science and technology involved in carbon management, CCS and CCUS methods, and the implementation of that technology. And we work with our clients to help find solutions that make sense for them, meeting and exceeding their carbon management goals. Some of our team members have been at the forefront of important cutting-edge research in this area.
Most recently, Resolute was accepted as a partner in the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership, which is led by the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, ND.
EERC is one of the most acclaimed groups doing research and development in CCS and CCUS technology and is widely recognized as a world leader in research and technology development that addresses critical challenges in the energy industry. The group focuses its research on “innovative, practical and cost-effective energy and environmental solutions” in “coal utilization and emissions, carbon management, oil and gas, alternative fuels and renewables and energy – water,” according to their website (undeerc.org). It is funded in part by the Department of Energy and has the backing of several major oil and gas industry leaders.
PCOR Partnership is one of the regional partnerships working under the U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (RCSP) Initiative, which is a joint government and industry program working toward producing viable carbon capture and storage technologies. Since its inception in 2003, the PCOR Partnership, which has a membership of over 200 public and private sector stakeholders in power generation, energy exploration and production, geology, engineering, the environment, agriculture, forestry, and economics, has been assessing opportunities for carbon storage and working to resolve technical, regulatory and environmental barriers to storing CO2. Members of the group provide data, guidance and practical experience. PCOR Partnership and its members have also worked with policy makers and the public to help them better understand the opportunities, strategies, challenges, and benefits of carbon management.
As a member of PCOR Partnership, Resolute will continue to help clients identify and implement CCS and CCUS solutions that will help them attain their goals in reducing their carbon emissions, but we will also have access to a tremendous amount of cutting-edge research and technology from this outstanding organization and will be part of an ongoing, vitally important effort to further carbon management and implementation possibilities across the oil and gas industry.