Our team has the experience to design and engineer a network, install the fiber optic network in metro conditions, and connect to a large variety of end users while complying with all terms, conditions, specifications, procedures, and regulations. Team members with experience on major projects that are currently on staff are the Project Manager and the Construction Manager.
Fiber Optic Project Experience
We have experience with network design and system layout. Our team selected the network equipment and vendors to meet or exceed the operational goals of several projects. We have the ability to incorporate existing facilities and operators, and add on or supplement to take advantage of the value provided by use of this equipment.
Resolute Engineering LLC employees' past work experience includes the Williams Communications metro fiber installations for Sacramento, San Francisco, Daly City, South San Francisco, Millbrae, Burlingame, Redwood City, San Mateo, San Carlos, Belmont, Palo Alto, Atherton, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, San Jose, Fremont, Union City, Milipitas, Fremont, Hayward, Castro Valley, and Oakland in California. They were also involved in Spurs and POP sites in Birmingham AL, Kansas City MO, Minneapolis MN, Tucson, AZ metro builds.
Long Haul Experience
Includes fiber and regen design, permitting, and installation from Sacramento and San Francisco, Sacramento to Point Arena. We have worked on projects that spread from Georgia to Mississippi, and Kansas City to Minneapolis, as well as the final miles incoming to Sacramento from Reno, Modesto, and San Luis. Team members were instrumental in permitting, route refinement, and engineering reels and splices from El Paso TX to the CA state line.
The projects that our team worked on included congested metro installation by bore and trench, BART installation, building entrances for single story and high rise entrance and connection, bridge attachments, river bores, metro trenching, metro boring, river boring, railroad ROW, and installation in existing PacBell conduit systems, POP site entry and splicing, Regen site installations.
San Francisco Project
Management of construction on the Williams Communication build in the San Francisco bay area consisted of splicing in the northern and southern tier long hauls at the PIAX location in Palo Alto, and completing their nation-wide network. The Williams Communications group had the lead on a joint build with up to 48 individual ducts on 45 miles of metro construction down the San Francisco peninsula. We also had to cross 17 different cities with construction underway in up to seven cities at once. There were 5 lead inspectors supervising a staff of 50 inspectors. Construction, as-build and materials costs accounted for to the satisfaction of 7 joint-build partners.
A locating system that involved installing equipment on each fiber steel sheath was installed in the bay area that allowed operations to call and activate pulsing that is introduced onto the sheath for locating. Once the line was located, the pulse was shut off again by a phone call to the equipment.
In the project from San Francisco to San Jose, and in Sacramento, our team took the lead in joint building for companies such as MFN, Level III, Qwest, MFSNT, 360 Communications, Looking Glass Networks, and many others, in addition to building the Williams Communications routes. Several of the other operators joined and separated from the install at many various locations resulting in an inconsistent amount of partners along any significant distance other than one or two that would stay in the trench for approximately up to 40 miles at a time. At times there were up to 59 innerducts in the trench and up to 39 innerduct in bores. Up to 9 sets of handholes and/or manholes were installed along the route in the busy sections.
Permit Compliance
Compliance with city and county specific installation requirements, building codes, design committee check-off lists, procedures for reclamation, work space, work schedule, and multiple other requirements which were identified and tracked through design and installation. Our team ensured that tasks with each easement holder such as Railroads, Power Line, Levee commissions, landowners, state permits, and federal permit requirements, environmental, one call, and other regulations were met.
Regen site installations with county, city, beautification and specification, access roads, and all work required to permit, engineer, design, purchase and install these sites.